Nevada Film Office

Production Notes: Classical Acting vs. Method Acting

Production Notes: Classical Acting vs. Method Acting

What Is the Difference Between Classical Acting and Method Acting?

Classical acting, sometimes called “Shakespearean style,” refers to a type of acting in which actors deliver their performance by sticking as closely as possible to the script, with very little deviation.

The style of performance can be very exaggerated, but it is intended to create a memorable experience for audience members through a solid delivery of well-written and well-performed lines.

Method acting calls upon using deep and powerful emotions from an actor’s own life experiences (called “sense memories”) in order to deliver a performance that is full of real tears and real expressions of emotion. Method acting allows for as much improvisation as needed in order for an actor to express genuine feelings in a scene.

For example, if an actor’s character is faced with a tragedy in their lives and must break down into a tearful outburst, the actor would focus on a real memory in which they felt the emotions they want to portray and express in their performance. The main theory behind method acting is that actors should use their own experiences to help bring them closer to their characters.

While this technique is not officially a part of method acting, some actors who fully embrace method acting choose to completely change their habits and lifestyle off-screen in order to truly “become” the character they are playing, and they do not break character until the final scene is shot.

Learn more about method acting below:

Madness in the Method | Why Does Hollywood Love Method Acting?” by AlltimeMovies

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