Nevada Film Office

Production Notes: Hand Props

Production Notes: Hand Props

What Are Hand Props?

Hand props are just one of many categories of props that productions need. Hand props are items that can be handled, carried, or manipulated by an actor. They can be things that a character uses to fulfill a required action, such as a pen for writing a note. They can also be used as defining characteristics, like a cane or a distinct brand of cigarettes that is specific to one character.

Hand props are not necessary to have during rehearsals, but they can be extremely helpful if provided so that actors are able to get as close as possible to the real scene and sort out how they would use those props to enhance the scene and their character’s actions and reactions. For example, if an actor needs to spill tea while serving it to a guest, having the actual teacup, saucer, and teapot to handle helps the actor practice pouring the tea and figure out how to make spilling it a believeable act. In some cases, even if the actual prop isn’t available to use during rehearsal, rehearsal props are supplied to help the actor practice handling the props.

What Are Some Examples of Hand Props?

Some examples of hand props include weapons, flashlights, candles, phones, lighters, handheld security equipment and communication devices, portable medical devices, bags and briefcases, pens, small electronic equipment, and so much more.

Props that are only good for one performance and need to be replaced frequently are called consumable or perishable props, and there are many hand props that fall into this category. Some examples of consumable hand props include food, lit cigarettes, beverages, paper that needs to be ripped up, or glass that needs to be shattered. Often times, prop food is actually fake food so that it can be used over and over again, but if real food needs to be consumed, it requires careful attention to safe storage temperatures and handling of the food so that actors don’t get sick after eating the prop food.

You can learn more about hand props here:

If you are looking for props to use for your next production, check out our online Nevada Production Directory to find prop masters and prop assistants in Nevada or drop by our office and pick up a free printed directory!

If you are a prop master or prop assistant and are not yet listed in our Nevada Production Directory, you can learn more about how to sign up for the NPD here.

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