Scene In Nevada: The Great Christmas Light Fight | Nevada Film Office


Scene In Nevada: The Great Christmas Light Fight

Scene In Nevada: The Great Christmas Light FightThe Great Christmas Light Fight is a reality television competition featuring families or groups that create elaborate Christmas light displays for a shot at winning a $50,000 prize at the end of each episode.

Originally titled Lights, Camera, Christmas during development, the show has been on ABC since December 2013 and just wrapped the airing of its fifth season. Contestants are chosen in advance by producers from submissions all over the country.

The displays are judged on three categories: use of lights, overall design, and Christmas spirit. Each display is first individually featured, then the judge or judges review the display and its specific details. Once all contestants have been reviewed, a winner is chosen, and the judges return to the winner to congratulate them. The winner of each week’s episode wins $50,000 and a holiday-themed trophy.

FUN FACT: The second season (2014) of the series had a Halloween-themed special episode entitled ‘The Great Halloween Fright Fight.’

In the 4 years since it has been on the air, it has featured over 100 families and groups from all over the country and awarded more than $5 million dollars.

In 2016, a Nevada resident was not only featured on the show but won the $50,000 grand prize! Residing in Boulder City, NV, the contestants Dale Ryan and Dyanah Musgrave have been going all out for the past 13 years. Their winning display included about 100,000 lights, an operational ski lift and a Ferris wheel with stuffed Disney characters. The display beat out about 5,000 entries and 24 finalists to win the grand prize, trophy and of course, bragging rights.

Check out the videos below to see the show teaser as well as local news coverage.

If you are in the Boulder City area, you can stop by and see the light display at 1525 5th St. through the Christmas holiday. The light display is typically on between 5pm – 9pm.


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