Category: Nevada Production Crew
Production Notes: Animatronics

Animatronics refers to the technology of animated electronics used to create lifelike animals, humans, robots, monsters, and other fantastical or mythical creatures that can move and produce sounds. Learn more about the history of animatronics in film!
Production Notes: Movie Montage

A montage is a technique of film editing that pieces together a series of short clips into a sequence that illustrates a long period of time passing and conveys how much action or change occurred during that time. See examples of movie montages and learn more about how to find editors in Nevada to help you create a montage for your next production.
Production Notes: Coconut Effect

The “coconut effect” is a term used to describe sound effects, special effects or design elements that are unrealistic but need to be included because its absence would be noticeable to viewers. Learn more!
Production Notes: Breakaway Glass

Learn more about what breakaway props are and how breakaway glass is created to produce a safe yet convincing alternative to shattering real glass on set.
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