Category: Nevada Production Crew
Production Notes: Match Cuts

Once you know what a match cut is, you will see them everywhere. Learn more about what match cuts are and how they are used in film!
Production Notes: 180-Degree Rule

The 180-degree rule is essential for filmmakers to follow for maintaining continuity and creating markers for spatial orientation to help viewers navigate around a location or setting. Learn more about how the 180-degree rule works!
Production Notes: Maintaining Continuity & Resetting Wet Scenes

When it comes to scenes that involve water or rain and an actor must get wet, it can be very time-consuming to reset the scene in order to do another take and maintain continuity. Learn more about what it means to maintain continuity and what productions do when it becomes too time-consuming and costly to reset a scene!
Production Notes: Hand Props

Hand props are just one of many categories of props that productions need. They are items that can be handled, carried, or manipulated by an actor. Learn more about how you can find hand props to use for your next production in Nevada!
Production Notes: Fixer

A fixer is someone who provides logistical support for productions that are not familiar with local filming requirements or that need assistance sourcing local crew, equipment, and other support services. Learn more about why fixers are important for international productions!
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