Ben Kalb Productions, LLC
- Northern Nevada
- Southern Nevada
- Willing To Travel
Ben Kalb Productions has been producing infomercials and commercials for the past 26 years, generating sales for clients of several millions of dollars. His shows are all produced for national and/or international companies. The company is well respected in the direct response television industry for producing successful shows on reasonable budgets. Call for free consultation.
Some of the successful infomercials Ben Kalb Productions have produced include AbTronic (#1 in the world); Insta-Life, Comfortisse Posture, Comfortisse Bra, Comfortisse Jeans, Abs Around, Vibratone Max, Dual Shaper, Slencera, Restform Airbed, Exact Belt, Yonex Golf, Inhaluxe, and many more.
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