Meet LaBrandon Shead
Photo by Edward Gelhaus – © 2014. Courtesy of IMDB
Tell us about yourself:
I’m originally from Denver, Colorado. I grew up in a family of incredible cooks. My family owned a restaurant there since the late 70s. My family is from Texas so you know we had some serious BBQ. Started working at a early age. I learned fast what hard work was working with my dad. Till this day, the work ethic I developed then has stuck with me now.
I took to sports naturally; Loved playing football my whole life. I would watch guys growing up like Deion Sanders and Emmett Smith, I wanted to be like them. I was offered scholarships to play football at smaller schools in Colorado coming out of high school but I really wanted to play at a larger school out of state. I took a gamble by trying to walk on at the University of Nevada – Las Vegas (no pun intended).
How did you become interested in Acting?
I feel like acting chose me in so many ways. I had no interest in it early on. I did a talent show my senior year doing a Steve Urkel skit and had fun with it. It was never really a thought because I knew I was going to be in the NFL (laughs).
I got to UNLV, my priorities were so out of whack. All I could think about was training and making the team. My major was undecided for the longest time. I knew I had to rethink several things after getting injured preparing for spring camp.
It was a shocker at first to think about life after football. I started thinking about what would fill that same passion that I had for the game. I thought about that talent show I had done and decided to take an acting class. I kid you not, the same day I took the class under my current mentor, Nate Bynum, I knew it was what I wanted to do.
How do you prepare for an audition?
Over the years, I have learned from some of the best. I have developed my own approach to preparing for auditions. I learned it’s not about getting the role. What’s the most important thing is did you service the character in the story? It’s about forgetting about the “audition” itself and letting someone else’s story be told in that moment.
I prepare now days by writing my character’s bio out. I create a back story that may not be included in the actual script itself. I try to uncover every possible stone that could help bring a dynamic character to life.
How do you deal with rejection?
I feel that there is a role for everyone. Let me tell you… I have been turned down so many times over the past several years. I believe it comes down to not ever putting a time limit on your dream. If it’s your destiny nothing will stop it from coming into fruition.
Who inspires you?
Years ago I put an Oscar on my vision board at home. Every time I look at that it’s all the fuel I need.
What advice would you give other actors trying to break in?
This is going to seem strange what I’m about to say. Don’t take any advice. Yes, work hard at your craft because that’s what truly matters at the end of the day. But do what works for you. What I mean by that is “Hollywood” heading into the year 2016 is like the Wild West all over again. It’s an even playing field now with the Internet. You can get discovered by a casting director by them seeing an incredible project that you posted online. There are no rules. Let me tell you….I’m the perfect example!
I was so broke years ago I had to move back home to my parents’ house in Colorado for a period of time. My truck broke down, I was sleeping on friends couches it was time to regroup. I moved back to Los Angeles and had to start from scratch all over again. One night, I was bored out of my mind. I was in need of an agent and began searching on Craigslist looking in the talent section. I saw an ad that read…SERIOUS ACTORS ONLY…I knew it was a scam but something told me to send my materials. Till this day I’m so glad I did. A couple days later I got a call from a Tay Smith and Chris Young my (current reps) from Jpervis Agency in Atlanta who happened to be expanding their LA division. The rest is history…let me tell you there are no rules!
How did you land the role on the Walking Dead?
I’ve never auditioned for one show so many times. I’d get close and it would go another way. I guess I stayed on castings radar for a while. When I finally landed it and got the call I thought it was a joke. I was waiting to hear that I had got put on avail or something but it all became real when the stunt coordinator called. It was all a blur when it happened truly a dream.
Describe your experience on the set of TWD
The Alexandria set is massive. It’s a compound in every sense. There is so much excitement around the set it’s so electric. There are people around basecamp day and night taking pictures of actors. I saw a guy up on a ladder snapping away above the compound it was nuts.
Working with Jen Lynch the director was an experience I wish every actor should have. Her passion was rubbing off on everyone working. She would shout “Are you kidding me” between takes. It was awesome on every level. Lennie James and Seth Gilliam are actor’s actors. I have so much respect for those guys.
I remember during the fight scene between Seth Gilliam and myself it being so hot, the makeup department would put ice bags on my neck to keep me from passing out! I got hit real good by Lennie James’ stick on my ear one take – real good – but I loved every bit of it.

Photo by Gene Page/AMC – © © AMC Film Holdings LLC. Image Courtesy of IMDB
What’s next for you?
To ever think you have arrived in this career you are dead in the water. I’m doing my best to stay busy. I have a couple films releasing next year. One called Triple 9 starring Casey Affleck and Woody Harrelson; also an HBO film called Confirmation starring Kerry Washington. I’m also very excited about a film called Dealer I was a part of shot by some of the most talented filmmakers in Nevada that will definitely turn some heads. And keep an eye for The Red Man, it already won best picture in Belfast, Ireland at the Yellow Fever Independent Film Festival.
Be sure to check out LaBrandon’s IMDB here!
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