Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas
Location Type:
- Auditoriums and Theaters
- Bars
- Restaurants
- Sports

Location Details
Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas is a mid-sized music venue and event space located within the LINQ Promenade including a 2,400-capacity showroom, a two-story bowling alley next to the stage, fantastic food from Blue Ribbon and offers several bars as well. It features a below-ground dedicated loading dock with service elevator for easy load in and out, as well as two secluded green rooms for talent prep and can provide production, operations, artist service, and runner staff for any production. Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas is available for full and partial production rentals.
Take a look at our virtual tour here:,-115.1695768,3a,75y,175h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s6a27r_HPawQAAAQvOwNqqA!2e0!3e2!!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c8c415f7af7741:0x1b1e5b61a2de896b!8m2!3d36.1175056!4d-115.1696207
Additional Keywords: unique, music, Linq, bowling, Las Vegas, experience, live music, venue, concert, brooklynbowl, bowl,
Square Footage
Website Links
Location Map / Address
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
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