Production Notes: Match Cuts | Nevada Film Office


Production Notes: Match Cuts

Production Notes: Match Cuts

What Is A Match Cut?

A match cut is a technique used to link two different scenes together by matching the visuals from the end of one scene to the visuals at the beginning of the next scene in a nearly seamless transition. The elements in the scenes are not intended to be an exact match, but the type of action, placement of objects, and other similarities are used to either suggest a relationship between the two different scenes or to quickly take viewers to a brand new scene.

One of the most famous match cuts in film occurs in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. After an ape discovers that bones could be used as a tool and a weapon, the ape hurls one into the air. As the bone spins in the air, the scene cuts to a much more advanced weapon – an orbiting weapons satellite, thus taking the viewer through the advancement of human evolution and technology in a creative match cut.

Watch the match cut from 2001: A Space Odyssey below:

2001 A Space Odyssey – match cut” by Joe Boyd

Having a plan or vision of specific match cuts before filming begins can help save time and effort in setting up scenes for shooting and editing. Without an initial plan to have scenes filmed specifically for a match cut, deciding to add some in later during post-production can be difficult to do and cost a production more time if editors don’t have the right materials to work with.

If you are looking for experienced camera operators or professional editors to help create match cuts for your production, check out our online Nevada Production Directory. You can also drop by our office and pick up a free printed directory!

We also have a variety of filming locations throughout Nevada as well as local studios offering full production services. Browse through our Nevada Filming Locations Database and contact us if you are interested in learning more about a filming location!

If you offer professional production services and are not yet listed in our Nevada Production Directory, you can learn more about how to sign up for the NPD here.


Watch an example of a fun mashup created using match cuts and dancing scenes from Golden Age-era films:

Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk” by Nerd Fest UK

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