Category: Industry Resources
How to Create a Production Budget

Here are some links and resources for you to check out to learn more about how to create a production budget.
Accounting in the Film and TV Industry

Accounting in the film and television industry is extremely important for budgeting out your financial resources appropriately and making sure that you come out ahead and are profitable. Learn more about accounting in the film and TV industry.
5 Tips on Spotting Casting Scams
The Secret to Finding A Film Friendly Location

Are you looking for that perfect location to film your upcoming project? Have you already identified the perfect place to shoot but haven’t agreed on a location fee? Are you having trouble getting the location’s contact to return your calls? …
10 Tips For People Who Want To Be Filmmakers

Russell Hasenauer (@russellrules), host of Friday 101 for Indy Mogul, made a great video for kids who would ask him, “I want to be a filmmaker; What do I do?” It’s full of timeless advice and is a great starting …
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