Copyright © Markus Spiske and made available under the Attribution 2.0 Generic License
There are different types of bookkeeping software available, such as QuickBooks, Movie Magic Budgeting or Gorilla Budgeting if you want to handle your finances and budget planning yourself.
There are also many budget templates and samples available online. Below are links to some example budgets:
- FilmBudgetPro.com – Sample Budget Top Sheet
- QuickFilmBudget.com – Sample Budget
- TidyForms.com – 2 Film Budget Templates Available for Download
The National Association of Production Accountants (NAPA) also offers resources, classes, and certification for those who are interested in learning more about how to become a production accountant for the entertainment industry.
Finally, here are some links to other great articles from those who have experience creating production budgets:
- LineProducing.com – Budget Structure
- Documentary.org – Don’t Fudge on Your Budget: Toeing the Line Items
- IndieWire.com – 10 Tips for Successfully Producing a Micro-Budget Feature
- FilmProduction.WordPress.com – Film Production Accounting
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